Who is Team Dangerous?
Team Dangerous is a fitness social community which focuses on bringing together like minded people who share a common bond of fitness and enjoy being social.
Team Dangerous hosts a fitness and socal event each month aimed at bringing our members together from all our locations. Each event is different and aims at bringing our members outside of their comfort zone.
Our goal is to break down the barriers of microcommunities that exists in many boxes and gyms and expose these individuals to the greater community.
We are not a click but the anti-click. We have been a community now for 6 months and have over 500 members in over 25 Crossfit gyms around the greater NY area, and growing. We just like people.
So how do people become members of Team Dangerous. For now, such a young new community, 'Like' us on facebook or easier, stay up to date by emailing [email protected] to join our mailing list. We dont want our members to just 'like' something but to be part of the community. Community means people know each other, interact with one another.We have a very involved community.